National VOAD membership is an act of cooperation that provides your organization with communication tools to collaborate with other National VOAD members on disaster relief coordination. With over 100+ members, National VOAD membership will change the way you are able to serve communities in need. If you would like more information, please contact [email protected]
National VOAD membership is divided into National Members, State Members and Partners. National membership is subdivided into two categories: National membership and Associate membership.
Transparency and Accountability
- Voluntary governing board
- Voluntary membership or constituencies
- IRS letter of tax-exempted status
- Most recent audited financial statement and/or published financial forms, i.e. IRS Form 990
- Adherence to established fundraising practices (such as those described bythe Association of Fundraising Professionals)
- Submit timely and accurate situational reporting, recovery, and or ongoing activity data for National VOAD to share with Members and Partners
- Submit programmatic and/or annual activity reports as requested
- Pay annual dues
Services Provisions
- Have clearly defined functions, programs, and/or direct services with a focus on one or more phases of the disaster continuum that are national in scope
- Participation in at least one National VOAD Committee
- Provide representation at the National VOAD Conference
- Promote and facilitate ongoing participation in VOAD Movement
- Adhere to and promote the mission, principles, values, policies, and points of consensus of National VOAD
In addition to the General Criteria listed, organizations must meet the following:
- Activated and or deployed to three Presidentially Declared disasters within the last three years
- Current and actively participating members of 5 State/Territory VOADs
- One or more of the following: A total organizational budget of at least $1 million OR a total number of staff and volunteers in excess of 300
In addition to the General Criteria listed, Associate organizations must the meet the following:
- Collaborative desire to grow and strengthen the VOAD movement
- Proven national disaster mission and capacity
- Have had an IRS tax-exempt status for at least two years prior to membership application
- Hold membership, as an active and participating member of one State VOAD for at least one year
Examples of potential Associate Members include:
- Academic Institutions
- Advocacy Organizations
- Coalitions or Networks
- Nonprofit Associations
- Organizations representing underserved populations
- International organizations expanding domestic programming
Here are a few ways National VOAD can benefit your organization:
Committees/Task Forces
Members and Partners gather around topical issues and programmatic activities to improve the delivery of services throughout the disaster cycle, and to further create a climate for cooperation. The work of the committees and task forces is supported by National VOAD staff and technology tools.
National VOAD holds an annual national conference in the spring each year. This is the only time each year when emergency management volunteers and professionals come together from across the country to share best practices, new ideas and develop whole community solutions for building more resilient communities.
Discounted Fees for Products and Services
National VOAD works to leverage discounts and saving opportunities offered by many top companies for the benefits of our members.
Federal Advocacy and Liaison Representation
National VOAD staff in Washington, DC work with FEMA, the DHS, Congress, and other federal agencies on issues of concern throughout the disaster cycle.
Incident Response and Recovery Coordination
In support of our member’s work to respond to a disaster or help a community recover, National VOAD helps coordinate and facilitate communication and actions among member organizations, emergency management agencies and other organizations.